Vanilla Risotto with Blackcurrant and Juniper Flavour Pearls

Vanilla Risotto with Blackcurrant and Juniper Flavour Pearls

Vanilla Risotto with Blackcurrant and Juniper Flavour Pearls

Vanilla Risotto with Blackcurrant and Juniper Flavour Pearls

Creamy Vanilla Risotto with Blackcurrant and Juniper Flavour Pearls. Enjoy as a warming dessert or breakfast dish. We’ve added crushed Gingernut biscuits for a little crunch and flavour. 

What you’ll need – serves 4

  • 1/2 cup Arborio Rice
  • 1 litre Milk
  • pinch Salt
  • 1 Vanilla Bean (or 1 tsp Vanilla paste)
  • 1/3 cup Sugar (add more if you prefer sweeter)
  • 2 Egg Yolks
  • Gingernut biscuits – crush (or GF alternative)
  • Blackcurrant & Juniper Flavour Pearls

To do

We are cooking this as more of a stovetop Rice Pudding style rather than Risotto like. It’s going to be delicious!

Into a heavy based saucepan over medium heat add the Milk, Rice and Salt. Split the Vanilla Bean lengthways and scrape out the seeds. Add the pod and seeds to the pot. (if you’re using Vanilla paste we’ll add it a litle later). Bring it to the boil. Stirring constantly at this stage. Once boiled turn it right down so it’s just ticking over (gentle simmer). Stirring regularly for around 10 to 15 minutes. Keep cooking until the Rice grains become just tender. 


In a bowl whisk the Egg Yolks, Sugar and Vanilla Paste (if using) until smooth. Add a big spoonful of the hot Rice mix whilst stirring and then add it all back into the pot. Gently cook this on the stove whilst stirring until it thickens a little. Remove from the heat. Check if it’s sweet enough for you and add a little more Sugar if need be.

To serve

Simply spoon into warmed bowls. Top with some roughly crushed Gingernut Biscuits. Lastly add a spoonful of Blackcurrant & Juniper Flavour Pearls

Until next time

From the Peninsula Larder Team

“Dessert is like a feel-good song, and the best ones make you dance.”

 — Chef Edward Lee

**If you’d prefer a different flavour, just click HERE There are plenty of others to choose from.